The Nightmares Underneath Powered by the Apocalypse

tnu_pbta_picI wrote a short supplement for The Nightmares Underneath that has Powered by the Apocalypse rules for players to use, for those of you who prefer that style over the old school D&D-ish rules. It is called A World Full of Nightmares, and it includes:

  • a set of basic moves;
  • new rules for harm and disposition, experience, and money that are more like Apocalypse World;
  • simple character classes with simple special abilities (but you can add special moves from Dungeon World or Class Warfare if you like);
  • conversion rules for the nightmares curses;
  • a simple GM section;
  • a new more-narrative-y system for creating incursions that you need a deck of cards for.

A World Full of Nightmares is now included in the full pdf version of The Nightmares Underneath. If you have already purchased it, simply download the new updated zip file. A staple-bound print version of A World Full of Nightmares is available from Lulu for US$10.

2 Comments to “The Nightmares Underneath Powered by the Apocalypse”

  1. I’m really excited to play this! Small editing issue: on page 25, under the header of “the Crown,” you have the same text from “the Anchor” about what diamonds do. I assume you intended to have some discussion of Spades and how they form the Crown of the incursion and would be interested in seeing what it is.

    • Ah yeah, it should read “The first (or only) spade you draw is the crown. This is the nightmare or corrupted monster that controls this lair.” I’ll have to fix that, thanks!

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