Posts tagged ‘the metamorphica’

February 14, 2017

Revised Metamorphica in Print

meta_hc_picAfter wrestling with the print versions for far too long, The Metamorphica Revised is now available in three different print options:
1. Softcover from DriveThruRPG for US$20, and it comes with the pdf so you can skip the part where you have to ask me for it, but the quality is not quite as good as what you get from Lulu, if that matters to you.
2. Softcover from Lulu for US$20.
3. Hardcover from Lulu for US$30. This one comes with a dustjacket and lies flat on the table.
Many apologies for the long wait!

December 29, 2016

The Metamorphica Revised

meta_rev_picSo I finally took the time to re-do the Metamorphica and make it better, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now. The giant mutations list is still the main attraction, but there’s a few more mutations now and some have been significantly re-written in order to be better. The campaign types each have their own section now, and each have new tables and new procedures, especially the section on making demons.

I have also added a substantial new section called the Ficto-Technica, which is devoted to creating scientific and magical devices. I had originally intended this to be a second, companion book, but it never got large enough, so now it is part of The Metamorphica Revised.

There’s more stuff than that, too. A longer list can be found in my last post about The Metamorphica. In short: everything you like about the original is better in the revised edition.

The Metamorphica Revised can be found at DriveThruRPG for US$10 in pdf or US$20 for print and pdf together. The pdf is 5.5 x 8.5 Digest size, the print is 6 x 9 US Trade size.

The Metamorphica Revised is available from Lulu in both softcover for US$20, and in hardcover for US$30. The hardcover has a black linen cover, a dustjacket, and lies flat the table for easy reference during play. Both versions are 6 x 9 US Trade size.

The classic edition of the Metamorphica is still free to download and will remain available indefinitely (even though I don’t like it anymore and never want to see it again). Please help yourself.

June 18, 2013

The Metamorphica switches to DriveThruRPG

The Metamorphica is now available from DriveThruRPG. The pdf is still free, but now it is pay what you want, HERE.

The print version will also be available from DriveThruRPG at some point in the future, probably next month. The print version is now available from DriveThruRPG here. And you can still buy a softcover copy from Lulu. The quality is about the same. The pdf is no longer available through Lulu or direct link. Please get it from DriveThruRPG, it is still free. If you find it useful or entertaining, please consider spending a few dollars on it.

Also, I fixed the typos.

May 21, 2012

The Metamorphica: A Book of Random Mutation Tables

UPDATE: A new, revised version is now available.

See the new blog post HERE.

As promised, the book is finally done!

This is a picture of the cover.

The Metamorphica is a very large system-agnostic collection of random mutation tables, for any table-top role-playing game. The digest-sized PAPERBACK VERSION is available from for only US$6.66 plus shipping, but you can download the pdf version for free (either FROM LULU or FROM HERE for less hassle) from DriveThruRPG HERE.

How did this happen? Good question!

I was originally inspired to make this when I started using the old Realm of Chaos mutation tables while I was running old Red Box D&D. We had a lot of fun with mutagenic substances so I decided to make a much larger collection that included mutation ideas from a whole range of other role-playing games. Along the way I added a lot of new ones as well, and when it became too big to be a stapled booklet, I decided to add procedures for creating all sorts of monsters and mutants. And also to make it available as a printed book and not just a pdf.

The Metamorphica is system-agnostic, meaning there aren’t any rules in it per se: no attack bonuses, no hit points, and no task or conflict resolution systems. I intend to use this for more than just D&D, but making the book compatible with such disparate systems as Metamorphosis Alpha, Burning Wheel, Apocalypse World, and Diaspora would make it way too long, and take way too much time. You can just make up rules in play if you need them, that’s what I do. It’s really not that hard.

Art preview!

The Metamorphica was written by Johnstone Metzger and illustrated by Andrew Gillis, Nathan Jones, Johnstone Metzger, and Nathan Orlando Wilson. If you need to get in touch with anyone about this book, Red Box Vancouver (no spaces) has a standard gmail address that will accept your inquiries.

Also? It’s free!

Yes, this is (essentially) a free book. But if you would like to not-so-subtly encourage future products of a similar nature, or just buy me and/or the artists a drink by way of thanks, feel free to donate whatever you feel is appropriate. I will also happily accept pdfs, which you can send to the above-mentioned gmail address (the name of this blog, no spaces).

Or, if you would really like to do me a favour (warning, real-life bummer stuff follows):
I find the violence surrounding coltan mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the economics of the electronics industry that encourage it, particularly concerning. Especially since this book would not have been possible without such electronics. However, I have neither the time nor the expertise to track down and properly vet charitable organizations working to solve this issue. If you know of one, and can make an adequate case as to their accountability and their work in the DRC, please let me know. If you don’t know any charities working in this area specifically, don’t worry about it, just enjoy the book. And if you are unaware of this issue, please look it up, the information is readily available. Thank you.

April 22, 2012

Book Announcement: Random Mutation Tables Collection

So it has been a long time since either cr0m or I updated this blog. But things are still happening!

I have been working on a book of random mutation tables, which is now in the final stages of preparation. The Red Box Vancouver guys always get excited when I pull out the Realms of Chaos books, so I decided to make my own thing that’s got more mutation stuff and none of the stuff I don’t need (because those books are thick and heavy). And since I started doing that, I figured why not just make it a product, too, right? I might as well, so…

It’s called The Metamorphica and it should be ready for public consumption before the end of May. It will be available as a free PDF, or as a print-on demand softcover for I-don’t-know-how-much, but hopefully pretty damn cheap. It’s 160 pages, digest-sized, with the occasional illustration. It’s system-agnostic, so you still have to make up your own rules, but I figure that’s a lot easier for you to do than it is for me.

How does The Metamorphica compare to the mutation tables you already have? It’s basically an amalgamation of every mutation idea in every role-playing book I’ve ever looked at, plus a bunch of my own research. It’s no cut-and-paste job, though, it’s original text and interpretations, even if some of the ideas are old and/or classic.

Here’s the back matter:

From the sorcerous influence of the Gods of Chaos to the ferocious inhabitants of hostile and unexplored planets, from uncontrolled experiments conducted in top secret laboratories to the demonic hordes of Hell, table-top role-playing games the world over teem with monstrous and bizarre creatures. If your game has a need for random mutation tables and procedures for creating all sorts of mutant abominations or unnatural things, whether they are corrupt demons and unique monsters or strange aliens and new superheroes, The Metamorphica is the book for you. As a collection of biological, psychic, and supernatural mutations, all grouped into tables so results can be randomly selected using dice, this book is a system-agnostic resource for campaigns of such diverse genres as dark fantasy, four-colour comic book, post-apocalypse, modern horror, science fiction, transhumanism, and weird high fantasy.

The Metamorphica contains:
Over 650 individual mutations, all with their own descriptions.
Physical and metal mutations, as well as psychic and supernatural powers.
Several different types of mutation-generating tables.
Lengthy random creature tables.
Procedures for using mutations in four different campaign types.
Procedures for creating aliens and demons.
Procedures for creating mutant animals, humans, and plants.

I’ll post again when it’s ready.